LOM Worship Video for Sunday, June 6, 2021, the Second Sunday After Pentecost

A Gift from the Camps and Retreat Centers of the ELCA to the Congregations of the ELCA

This is an exciting way to lift up outdoor ministries with the congregations of the ELCA at the start of a new summer season.  Parish pastors and worship leaders:  we know that your virtual leadership of worship experiences has been, for you, at the same time gratifying and demanding. As part of our gratitude for you, the leaders of outdoor ministries throughout the ELCA are offering you a complete worship video experience for use in your congregation and other settings. We hope that you will enjoy a Sunday worship experience that you have not had to feel the obligation of developing.

For the leaders of our camps and retreat centers:this will be an opportunity to share with you their joy and gratitude to God as they launch their summer camp ministries after a very difficult pandemic year and last summer with very few Lutheran summer camps taking place. We invite you to join us in this worship experience provided by the leaders of LOM focused with gratitude on the beauty and bounty of God’s Creation.

Or, you can watch the video here:





Zoom Forum on COVID Testing

In planning to safely remain open this summer, camps face significant challenges to meet state and federal guidelines to keep their communities safe at an affordable cost. In this Zoom Forum, Brad Guth from CIC Health (the newest Business Member of LOM) shared an overview of the role that COVID-19 testing can play in conjunction with other safety initiatives. He shared the latest guidance from the CDC, ACA and others along with an update on the range of testing options to support our communities.

CIC Health is among the largest COVID-19 testing service providers in the country, having facilitated over 1.5 million tests. The company has significant experience in testing in the school and youth-related environments, including a pooled PCR testing program implemented in more than 600 public schools.

Zoom Forum on Messaging

A recent LOM Zoom Forum featured a presentation and Q&A on proactive pitching, crafting a strong press release, and actively working to gain positive media coverage.  Kelley Freridge, ACA’s chief marketing officer, presented resources and tools you can use to gain positive media coverage about your camp heading into summer 2021.  We also talked about helping parents understand what to expect for summer 2021.


OMC Survey Results

Jake Sorenson of Sacred Playgrounds and member of the LOM Board of Directors has released a released the complete report of the recent survey Sacred Playgrounds conducted on behalf of the Outdoor Ministries Connection (OMC). The breakout of this report for LOM organizations will soon be on its way.

Here is the summary:  https://www.lomnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/2021-OMC-survey-summary.pdf.

Here is the complete report:  https://www.lomnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/OMC-Survey-2020-Full-Report.pdf

Here is the LOM supplement:  https://www.lomnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/OMC-Survey-2020-LOM-Report-supplement.pdf

Here is the recording of the recent Zoom Forum with Jake:


A big shout of thanks to the 73 LOM sites who participated in the survey! And to Jake Sorenson for compiling all the data in an  unbelievably timely way!

Intersection of Young Adult and Outdoor Ministries

On January 29, 2021, an LOM ZOOM Forum was held to discuss the intersection of Young Adult Ministry and Outdoor Ministry.  They explored ways that you might include programming for young adults in your ministry! After three successful seasons of Abide Small Group Ministries, ELCA Young Adults is excited to continue in partnership with LOM in the brainstorming and marketing of new programming catered toward young adults and their faith development, relationships, and leadership within the ELCA.  Our presenters and discussion facilitators were ELCA Program Director for Young Adult Ministry, Savanna Sullivan, and Rainbow Trail (CO) Director of Retreat Ministries, Daniel Kirschbaum.  Here is a recording of the forum:  https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/KzSF9DmeDwEohd8SxixErzQsK5AmhkBEFcUG5j7e7wKdEBssF7maYXSzWh8wllhm.tzVjtDFSZjwuu5Nr?startTime=1611946828000

The passcode is @X7FNgK+

Camp MatchUp Launches

The LOM Camp MatchUp App is live! Because of being slowed down by COVID, this resource has taken longer than expected BUT we are now so excited that it is here. Camp MatchUp is a recruiting tool and way to connect with potential summer staff looking for a camp.  Camps create a profile and then potential summer staff applicants can access information through the app to discern the best fit for them.  Sign up your camp at https://campmatch.prod.acts.media/.

To listen to the Camp MatchUp launch party that was held in late January 2021 via Zoom, click below:

Parent Communications

Communication with parents during the COVID crisis is key.  In this summary, we hope to share resources, wisdom, and ideas that may be useful as you make communication plans.  Many of our colleagues who held camp sessions in 2020 recommend going above and beyond normal communications, and using multiple platforms to get your policies in front of camp families.  Think about what needs to be said in order for people to make an informed decision about sending their child/ren to camp, what needs to be provided to them once they register, what reminders are needed as camp time approaches, and how you will be in touch while their child is at camp and once they return home.  The resources and documents are linked below.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

LOM Eastern Territory: Chad Hershberger, Julie Kroll and Sarah Lefler

  • Click here for document that the committee compiled with information they collected.
  • Below are more sample documents that can be used.

Samples From Lutherdale:

Sample FAQ from Mar-Lu-Ridge, created with the guidance of their supervising physician:


COMING SOON!  Some samples from Rainbow Trail