The Life of an Interim Executive Director

The phone rings and Don Johnson tells us about the opportunity for a possible interim position opening.  “Could I submit your names?”  We get excited and our first question is “where?”  We feel like “missionaries” being called to serve in mysterious new lands and go on new adventures.  For us those new lands have included Illinois, North Dakota, and two separate Minnesota camps.  One thing they all have in common has been their understanding of their mission in Christ.  Their passion, loyalty, and commitment to their faith community at camp is remarkable.

While hospitality is always in the forefront at our arrival, warming up and getting used to new face(s) or our routine of operating, creates some apprehension. Within a week we are being accepted into their family team.  Upon our departure a comment we hear is “we didn’t feel we needed an interim, but we’re glad the board agreed to approach LOM for Don’s advice.”

We get busy with staff input into updating financial management and policies, personnel updates, tending to all buildings and equipment, welcoming visitors, volunteers, bishops, rostered leaders, providers, plus sampling tastes of the camp cuisine.  Recommendations are made to the board such as new policy approvals, creating a sustainability committee, the creation of a succession policy, and other considerations.

Our commitment to transparency and honest objectivity relieves the anxiety of staff and board during our tenure with them.  Board members have said, “We need an objective eye to help us discern the person we want to call or direction we want to go.”  We happily agree and begin to transition with the new director with the sharing of essential operations, data, and insight into the life of the camp.  We can spend from a day to two weeks assuring they understand the uniqueness of the camp they will serve.

Time flies and we find that we have fallen in love and adopted staff and an admiration at their living and sharing the Gospel.  It’s difficult to say goodbye to the camps staff that have welcomed Muslims, refugees from around the world, and that interesting and exciting Scandinavian world of Minnesota.

Thank you to LOMC, Red Willow, Luther Crest, and Pathways for allowing us to walk with you during your time of transition–Carolyn and Jerry Fritsch

Your input is requested

LOM has re-entered into the strategic planning process that had been interrupted by the pandemic.  Your voice is important to the success of this process. Please join our listening session when we will share progress on the planning and listening to date, and listen to you. There are two dates and times to choose from:

Monday, March 28, 11:00 AM EDT, 10:00 AM CDT, 9:00 AM MDT, 8:00 AM PDT

Thursday, March 31, 4:00 PM EDT, 3:00 PM CDT, 2:00 PM MDT, 1:00 PM PDT

Our meeting will take place via zoom, the same link for both:
(Meeting ID: 345 384 4368 Passcode: EvanMoilan)
Our guide for this process is Evan Moilan of GSB Fundraising.

March 29: LOM “Live” Podcast

Yes, it will be recorded for posting on the LOM website, but if you join us for the live event, you’ll be able to ask questions and participate in the dialog. The focus: talking with children at summer camp when anxieties are expressed about the horrific news from Ukraine about the Russian invasion. The presenter: Rev. Janelle Hooper, Program Director for Ministry with Children, ELCA. Podcast Time: Mar 29, 2022 02:00 PM Eastern, 1:00 PM Central, 12:00 PM Mountain, 11:00 AM Pacific (Meeting ID: 893 6981 8574 Passcode: LOM2022)

Please complete the Education Committee Survey

The LOM Education Committee distributed a survey at the LOM National Conference last November. We received some great feedback, but unfortunately only heard from a very small percentage of LOM professionals. Therefore, we invite you to take a few minutes to give us your thoughts on the following questions. This survey should only take you a few minutes to complete the survey and return it by April 5.

Total Inclusion Symposiums

Camp Nawakwa (PA) was the site of the East Territory Total Inclusion! Symposium earlier this week. It was an awesome event!!!!

This symposium was the first of four such events that will be taking place throughout LOM – one for each of the LOM territories. No matter where your camp is located, you can sign up for any of the three remaining events. The executive director and a Board member from each LOM organization participate at no charge. Additional staff or Board members can participate for a fee negotiated with Don Johnson.

At the event this week, Josiah Benedict, the ELCA’s Total Inclusion! project coordinator, and Don Johnson, LOM executive director, served as hosts.

The resource persons for this week’s Symposium were:
  • Rev. Brenda Maynor, an “Ambassador” of the organization known as Reconciling Works (RIC).
  • Rhonda Hill, director of the organization known as Race and Faith.
  • Anita Smallin,  member of the ELCA Disability Ministries Advisory Team
  • Jamie Bruesehoff, nationally respected  writer, speaker, and advocate, for persons who identify as LGBTQIA+.
  • Rev. Brian Biery, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Shrewsbury, PA, and Trinity UCC Church, Glen Rock, PA, served as chaplain for the Symposium

During the whole event, sharing and dialog among the participants was encouraged. The facilitators helped participants to become more aware of barriers often experienced by those who are marginalized. As a result, representatives from each camp were able to identify strategies for an action plan for their camp to continue making progress in the quest for the full welcome and inclusion of all people. In addition, the Symposium gave participants the opportunity to expand their own Total Inclusion! strategies by hearing what other camps are doing and planning.

The next Total Inclusion! Symposiums are scheduled as follows:

  • Eastern Midwest: April 4-7, Lutherdale (WI)
  • Western Midwest: April 24-27, Luther Crest (MN)
  • West: September 19-22, Lutherhaven (ID)

Participation in each of the Territory Symposiums is free for the executive director and president of the board of directors (or board member appointed by the board president) of most LOM member organizations. This includes airfare for those whose distance necessitates air travel.

Registration is now live at:

Even though the next event is only a little only one week away, you can still sign up!!! Program information for that event is here.


2022 International Camp Counselor Program

Express interest now for Summer 2022!

For over three decades, the ELCA’s International Camp Counselor program has been inviting young adults from around the world to work as camp counselors at the ELCA-affiliated summer camps. This program gives summer camps like yours the opportunity to open their campers and staff to the gifts of the global church, and it provides transformative leadership development experiences to young adults from our global partners. Participating in this program is an excellent opportunity for you to enhance the internationalization of your ministry and to bring critical expertise and perspective to your staff team.

We have already begun accepting applications from prospective international counselors for Summer 2022. Because of the pandemic, we are planning for a smaller than usual group of counselors this year. We are closely monitoring the pandemic situation, and it is still possible that the Summer 2022 season for this program will be impacted or cancelled. Safety of participants is our number one priority. We will keep you informed if there are any changes in plans.

The next stage in the process is for camps to formally submit their interest to our team. If your camp is interested in participating in our applicant placement process this year, please fill out the form at the link below.   Camps should submit the form no later than February 15.

An email with more details about the program was sent to all camp primary contacts on January 10, 2022. If you did not receive that email or need additional information about the program, please email and We look forward to working with many of you to place excellent international counselors!

Bid Often, Bid High

It’s time for the annual LOM auction! 2020 nudged us to a virtual platform, and we loved the engagement from all over the country.  There are vacation packages at some of our amazing Lutheran Outdoor Ministry sites, Green Bay Packer tickets for this season and next season, some unique handmade items, podcast coaching, custom sticker designs, and more.  You just might get your Christmas shopping done early and provide meaningful experiences for your family or friends, all while generously supporting LOM. Check out the auction today! Bid High..  Bid Often… Support LOM!