Total Inclusion Symposiums

Camp Nawakwa (PA) was the site of the East Territory Total Inclusion! Symposium earlier this week. It was an awesome event!!!!

This symposium was the first of four such events that will be taking place throughout LOM – one for each of the LOM territories. No matter where your camp is located, you can sign up for any of the three remaining events. The executive director and a Board member from each LOM organization participate at no charge. Additional staff or Board members can participate for a fee negotiated with Don Johnson.

At the event this week, Josiah Benedict, the ELCA’s Total Inclusion! project coordinator, and Don Johnson, LOM executive director, served as hosts.

The resource persons for this week’s Symposium were:
  • Rev. Brenda Maynor, an “Ambassador” of the organization known as Reconciling Works (RIC).
  • Rhonda Hill, director of the organization known as Race and Faith.
  • Anita Smallin,  member of the ELCA Disability Ministries Advisory Team
  • Jamie Bruesehoff, nationally respected  writer, speaker, and advocate, for persons who identify as LGBTQIA+.
  • Rev. Brian Biery, pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, Shrewsbury, PA, and Trinity UCC Church, Glen Rock, PA, served as chaplain for the Symposium

During the whole event, sharing and dialog among the participants was encouraged. The facilitators helped participants to become more aware of barriers often experienced by those who are marginalized. As a result, representatives from each camp were able to identify strategies for an action plan for their camp to continue making progress in the quest for the full welcome and inclusion of all people. In addition, the Symposium gave participants the opportunity to expand their own Total Inclusion! strategies by hearing what other camps are doing and planning.

The next Total Inclusion! Symposiums are scheduled as follows:

  • Eastern Midwest: April 4-7, Lutherdale (WI)
  • Western Midwest: April 24-27, Luther Crest (MN)
  • West: September 19-22, Lutherhaven (ID)

Participation in each of the Territory Symposiums is free for the executive director and president of the board of directors (or board member appointed by the board president) of most LOM member organizations. This includes airfare for those whose distance necessitates air travel.

Registration is now live at:

Even though the next event is only a little only one week away, you can still sign up!!! Program information for that event is here.