Parent Communications

Communication with parents during the COVID crisis is key.  In this summary, we hope to share resources, wisdom, and ideas that may be useful as you make communication plans.  Many of our colleagues who held camp sessions in 2020 recommend going above and beyond normal communications, and using multiple platforms to get your policies in front of camp families.  Think about what needs to be said in order for people to make an informed decision about sending their child/ren to camp, what needs to be provided to them once they register, what reminders are needed as camp time approaches, and how you will be in touch while their child is at camp and once they return home.  The resources and documents are linked below.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

LOM Eastern Territory: Chad Hershberger, Julie Kroll and Sarah Lefler

  • Click here for document that the committee compiled with information they collected.
  • Below are more sample documents that can be used.

Samples From Lutherdale:

Sample FAQ from Mar-Lu-Ridge, created with the guidance of their supervising physician:

COMING SOON!  Some samples from Rainbow Trail